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Berat is a place in Albania with a population of 46,866 people.
Berat can be found in the state/province of Berat, at the following coordinates: latitude 40.71, longitude 19.972.💰
What is the cost of living in Berat, Albania?
The average cost of living in Berat, Albania is $1500 per month.
A month of rent for a one-bedroom apartment will cost you around $323, a meal out at a restaurant will cost you $4 and a beer will cost you $0.82. One kilometer in a taxi will cost you $2.18, and the monthly rental of an uncapped fiber internet line will cost you $21.💱
What is the currency in Berat, Albania?
The currency that is used in Berat, Albania is the Albanian Lek.
The symbol for this currency is ALL. The Albanian Lek is currently trading at 115.76 Albanian Lek to the Euro and at 108.87 Albanian Lek to the United States Dollar.⚡
What is the internet speed in Berat, Albania?
The average internet speed in Berat, Albania is 28.92 Mbps for broadband and fibre internet and 51.08 Mbps for mobile data speeds.🌦
What is the weather like in Berat, Albania?
The temperature in Berat, Albania can vary between a minimum temperature of 2.5 degrees celcius and a maximum temperature of 35.05 degrees celcius throughout the year. The annual average daily precipitation in Berat, Albania is 2.18mm per day.
In the current month of December, Berat, Albania can reach a low temperature of 7.28°C and a high temperature of 16.87°C. You can expect 3.9mm of rain on average, each day in December. The average cloud cover in December is 57.7% on average and you can expect maximum wind speeds of 4.8 m/s.📈
What is the ranking of Berat, Albania?
Berat, Albania currently has 0 upvotes and 0 downvotes which ranks it as the 4809th best city to work from for digital nomads and remote workers.🏠
Where is the best place to stay in Berat, Albania?
You can find the best places to stay in Berat, Albania as well as the best Berat neighborhoods on our map above. If you are looking for Berat hotels, try clicking the links to each pin on the map.
If finding an office space is important to you, check out the coworking space map above to find a coworking space in Berat. We have partnered with get croissants to find you the best coworking spaces in Berat. Berat has a number of awesome coworking spaces where remote workers can work on a monthly or hourly basis.🛂
What are the visa requirements for Berat, Albania?
Berat is a place in Albania that has a number of visa requirements. Albania allows 63 countries to enter visa free (no visa requirements). Some of these countries are Estonia and Belgium
Albania allows 34 countries to enter the country with an electronic visa (e-visa). Some of these countries are Guinea and Myanmar
Albania allows citizens from 16 countries to obtain or puchase a visa on arrival in the country. Some of these countries are Comoros and Somalia
Albania requires citizens from 79 countries to obtain a visa before travelling to the country. Some of these countries are Sudan and Fiji
Albania restricts the entrance of travelers from 0 countries.🌐
What is the timezone in Berat, Albania?
Berat, Albania’s time zone is at GMT+1 where the time is currently 20:06. Berat, Albania observes daylight saving time. You will need to adjust your clocks on 26 March 2023.
The name of the timezone for Berat, Albania is Europe/Tirane and it has the abbreviation of CET.